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Promote a space for social meeting and joint work that allows improving social interventions with priority attention groups to promote a joint and articulated response to these sectors, through an open dialogue and active participation.
Young people, social actors, members of civil society, groups, teachers, associations and public servants.
September 17 and 18
08:00 to 17:00
Place / space:
Virtual platform, FCTE zoom rooms

The first PROVINCIAL FORUM seeks to generate spaces for dialogue, debate and construction of proposals for the applicability of public policies for 2021. Through the active participation of civil society, youth, organizations, associations and governments of both the ministries in the territory as well as local GADs.
The development of the forum will include panelists who have had a social stakeholder from the grassroots and a political stakeholder for the benefit of priority attention groups. The interaction between speakers and participants according to the themes, will generate meeting points and exchange of experiences through feedback that allow, in a second moment, to generate intervention processes that allow responding to the new needs of these populations.