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Conditions and procedures for the presentation of the material

1. Conditions of participation


1.1 - The contest includes two categories of participants:

        • Fotógrafos profesionales (para personas cuya principal actividad sea la fotografía y que , por consiguiente, hayan          _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    sold, published or exhibited his works)

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbcf3b-138d Amateur Photographers5


1.2 - Participation in the contest is free.

1.3 – All participants must be over 18 years old.

1.4 – Participants can submit:

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5 single image in JPE format ONE ocf5_ba56d-138

        • UNA "secuencia" (de 2 a 4 fotografías relacionadas en formato JPEG) Las fotografías que se presenten deben ser        _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    recent and on circular economy. En particular, la imagen debe representar uno o más de las siguientes        _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_      activities:


         • Reciclado.

         • Recogida de material reutilizable .

         • Consumo, utilización, reuse and repair.

         • Distribución.

         • Producción y reelaboración.

         • Consumo y separación de waste.

         • Reparación.


2. Specifications of the material for your presentation


2.1 – You can participate with color and black and white photographs.

2.2 - The photographs must be in digital format. It is not necessary that the photographs be taken with a digital camera, negatives, transparencies or printed photographs can be digitized. Printed photographs and film will not be accepted.

2.3 - All digital files must meet the following requirements:


      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5jpg format •jpg (

      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5 cfpi resolution0

       • tamaño de 20 cm x 30 cm Quedan excluidos de este concurso los photomontages and manipulated images. Son          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   acceptable, however, minor corrections of underexposure, overexposure or color.

2.4 - The photograph must be in its entirety a unique work of original material taken by the participant in the contest. By entering the contest, the entrant declares, acknowledges and warrants that the submitted photograph is an original work created exclusively by the entrant, that the photograph does not violate copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or rights copyright of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim or interest in the photograph.


2.5 - All photographs must be accompanied by the "Circular Economy Promotion Approach" Photography Contest Registration Form duly completed and signed. Entrants in the Professional Photographers category must include a resume.

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III. Submission of forms

The registration forms must 

III. Awards

The winners of the two categories will receive the following prizes:


Professional photographers category


  • 1st place: two tickets including round trip ticket for Tarabita and 2 tickets for the extreme swing, located in Cajas in Cuenca canton and two tickets for paragliding in Paute canton, including round trip ticket, a certificate of participation .

  • 2nd place: two tickets for the Tarabita including a round trip ticket, located in the Cajas in the canton of Cuenca and a certificate of participation.

  • 3rd place: A Teje women sweater and a certificate of participation.


Amateur Photographers Category


  • 1st place: two tickets for the Tarabita, located in the Cajas in the canton of Cuenca, two tickets for paragliding in the canton of Paute and a certificate of participation.

  • 2nd place: A rug and a set of hand-knitted stuffed animals from Tejemujeres and a certificate of participation.

  • 3rd place: Plaque of recognition and a certificate of participation.

IV. sponsors


The Circular Economy Photography Contest is proud to have the support of PADF Ecuador, USAID.




© 2023 Create Your Space Foundation

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