We provide you with support in your immigration process
Gathering information
Perceptions towards people in human mobility in the parishes of El Batán and Baños.
This survey, “perceptions towards people in human mobility in parishes; Batán y Baños”, for the knowledge of the psychosocial situation of the Venezuelan and Colombian population that are in a situation of human mobility.
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462
Youth Anti-Corruption
for public monitoring
This guide will allow young people and citizens in general to learn about citizen participation mechanisms for the fight against corruption and promotion of transparency in the territories.
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462
training manual
I wish to choose a place without coordinates to stay
Module 1- Mobilization for our rights
The Training Manual "I want to choose a place without coordinates to stay", Module 1 - rights, allows children, adolescents and youth to learn and generate knowledge processes in fundamental rights such as: human mobility, education, family, interculturality among other topics .
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462
training manual
I wish to choose a place without coordinates to stay
Module 2- Child and adolescent communication
The training manual "I want to choose a place without coordinates to stay", Module 2 - communication, allows children, adolescents and youth to learn and generate processes of awareness, awareness and promotion of rights in radio, video and virtual spaces; this through direct participation in the creation of these edu-communicational products.
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462
training manual
I wish to choose a place without coordinates to stay
Module 3- Child and adolescent participation
The training manual "I want to choose a place without coordinates to stay", Module 3 - participation, allows children, adolescents and youth to learn and generate participation processes in the territory that allows them to empower their space, through actions that improve the environment in which they are as they are: the neighborhood, the community, the city, among others.
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462
Youth Anti-Corruption
to fight corruption
This comic will allow young people and citizens in general to learn through art about promoting the fight against corruption and promoting transparency in the territories.
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462
Services Guide
for promotion of services and products
Azuay - Canar
The service guide allows us to present to organizations, associations, social or commercial enterprises in the provinces of Azuay and Cañar their services and products, and that it serves as an instrument to improve marketing and visibility channels.
© Create Your Space
Vatican Street and Juan XXIII - Ecuador
Telephone: (07) 2898462